Direction (Qs.1-5): The given sentences, when properly sequenced, form a coherent paragraph. Each sentence is labelled with a letter. Choose the most logical order of the sentences from among the five given choices to construct a coherent paragraph keeping 1 and 6 as the first and the last statements respectively.

Question No : 1

(1) Jerry was thinking how to get away from his step-sisters.

(A) He was sure he would die soon out of lack of sleep.

(B) They were cruel and harsh and always made him work.

(C) He started making plans of running away.

(D) They also made him stay awake and guard the house at night.

(6) Next day would be perfect to carry it out.

(1) ACBD       

(2) BDAC       

(3) ABCD       

(4) DACB       

(5) CADB

Question No : 2

(1) I want to tell you that

(A) impact on me then you are mistaken.

(B) and fake promises will have any

(C) if you think your crocodile tears

(D) You must realize that I have seen through your

(6) plan and will not let it succeed.

(1) ABCD       

(2) BDAC       

(3) BCDA       

(4) CBAD       

(5) ACDB

Question No : 3

(1) It takes a cool head to invest capacity or spend.

(A) That makes investment returns uncertain, influenced by factors—from oil prices to politics—that firms cannot control.

(B) According to new research, doubts about the future, some of them self-inflicted, are a likely cause.

(C) With rich-world investment rates looking anaemic, many wonder why big firms are hoarding cash rather than putting the money to work. 

(D) A firm’s decision to build up capacity or spend cash on research pays out tomorrow but must be paid for today.

(6) Hence, all the factors have to be carefully evaluated before making an investment.

(1) DACB       

(2) DCAB       

(3) BACD       

(4) ABCD       

(5) DBAC

Question No : 4

(1) The History of India begins with the Indus Valley Civilization and the coming of the          Aryans.

(A) The Vedic Period or the Vedic Age refers to that time period when the Vedic Sanskrit texts were composed in India.

(B) These two phases are generally described as the pre-Vedic and Vedic periods.

(C) Hinduism is believed to be the oldest of major religions and originated in northern India.

(D) The roots of Hindu religion can be traced back to the Vedic period.

(6) Early Aryan, or Vedic, culture was the early Hinduism whose interaction with non-Aryan cultures resulted in what we call Classical Hinduism.

(1) BCDA       

(2) CABD       

(3) BACD       

(4) BADC       

(5) DABC

Question No : 5

(1)  I am sure all of us here are aware of S.Radhakrishnan.

(A)  Few could tell that fine difference as well as this man; who wrote and spoke tirelessly about potential in Indian society.

(B) While others fought the British politically, his crusade focused on making foreigners aware of Indian heritage.

(C) The second President of India was a strange paradox.

(D) On one hand he fought against the social evils on the other he spoke of how rich Indian culture was.

(6) The simple, learned professor is today counted among one of the best ambassadors India has ever had.

(1) CDAB       

(2) ABCD       

(3) DBAC       

(4) BCAD       

(5) ACDB